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Now a hero for justice (although not too enthusiastic about it), Raven fights the forces of evil in Jump City, and occasionally the forces of evil still inside her. With the help of her new friends, Raven eventually fought her way up to the top and earned a spot on the Teen Titans. However, the group of rejects actually made a decent underdog team, with Robin as their leader (who was also ironically booted). She agreed to a tryout for the superhero squad, but after showing uncontrollable wrath and rage, Raven and some other los ers were thrown off the team. Although her destiny was to enslave the Earth, Raven had grown tired of listening to her annoying dad. He figured that she would be perfect for his new team. While Raven was terrorizing Jump City in the episode ' Flashback', a young sidekick named Robin took notice of her immense demonic powers. Expected to follow in her father's footsteps, she left the infernal dimension of Azarath to enslave the people of Earth. Conceived through the relations between a human and the demonic entity Trigon the Terrible, Raven had harbored ghastly evilness within her soul from birth.

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